Jul 18, 2010

A Frakking Doodle?!!!

If anyone wants to know why people like Graham Hancock and, oh, I don't know, me, are so frustrated with academic archaeologists, look no further.

Cambridge University experts believe the crudely etched circles are the Neolithic version of a modern office worker's scribbles on a post-it note.

. . .

Christopher Evans, director of the university's Archaeological Unit, thinks the concentric circles were created by one of our early ancestors ''killing time'' as opposed to a work of art.

Mr Evans said: ''I think it was a doodle. I don't think it has any deep and meaningful religious significance.

''In this era of the Neolithic period they had a lot of time on their hands. It could show they were quite bored at times, but we don't know for sure.

''We do know when they weren't out harvesting or planting crops they had to find a way of killing time.

''There are Megalithic tombs with concentric circles like this carved into stones - the circles are a form of Megalithic art and typical of the grooved ware pottery of the time.

Yes, that's right. Neolithic peoples were bored. I'm sure that's also why they tossed giant rocks around to build things like Stonehenge. Never mind that the earliest known, and lavishly illustrated, megalith at Gobekli Tepi was actually constructed in the paleolithic era. So were hunter-gatherers bored, too? 

No deep and meaning spiritual significance... I'm sure that's why they found their way into tomb structures; because they were meaningless. You have to wonder if people like this even listen to themselves.

Concentric spirals like the ones at Newgrange are anything but meaningless. The spiral is the form of creation itself.

The spiral is the animating principle of spirit into matter. It is the shape of energy in motion. And according to numerous spiritual traditions, the spiral is also the form of spiritual evolution. It is the form and definition of Kundalini.

Kundalini means ‘coiled energy’ and it refers to a power which lies in three-and-a-half coils in the sacrum bone called the Mooladhara which is distinct from, and lies above, the Mooladhara Chakra. (It is interesting to note that sacrum if Greek for sacred.)

The first thing that popped into my head when I looked at this neolithic "doodle" was the stone Hermione lobbed at Harry Potter's head in Prisoner of Azkaban.

But I'm sure the carefully sculpted image of a coiled snake on that rock is just a meaningless doodle, too. J.K. Rowling... pfft... what does she know?

I was just last night reading William Henry's latest blog entry in which he notes the vortical nature in depictions of the Seraphim and how it is mirrored in Tibetan images of the rainbow body.

As I discuss in my new presentation, “The Journey Home: Stargates. Ascension. 2010”, my research has led me to the conclusion that the reason why the vortex-bodied Seraphim are so similar to the vortex-bodied lamas who have achieved the Tibetan Rainbow Body or Great Perfection is that they are the same beings. That is, as first proposed during the Renaissance, the Seraphim are humans who have completed their perfection into beings of light and pure love. I have proposed that they are stargate traveling time travelers.

I suppose it's possible that our neolithic forbears had no appreciation for the symbols they took the time and effort to etch into rocks. But as Hancock points out in Supernatural, evidence of symbolic thinking and art appears to have burst into existence in the paleolithic era. Elaborate cave paintings at Pech Merle, Lascaux, and other sites strongly indicate ancient shamanic practices and the possible use of sacred plants. In other words, they're indicative of a revolution in consciousness. Yet, academics like Christopher Evans would have you think that by the neolithic era, people were really dull and unimaginative. After toiling all day at the agriculture they'd invented, our ancestors, lacking cable television and Game Boy, just needed something to do with their hands.

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