Oct 15, 2008

Drunvalo Melchizedek and the Flower of Life

Drunvalo Melchizedek has been in my thoughts, of late. As I said, in this diary, I have been pondering his theories on potential pole shift and other dramatic changes that may be occurring in our very near future. I have posted a YouTube player of one of Drunvalo's lectures, which gives an overview of his Flower of Life curriculum.

I studied the Flower of Life and trained, with Drunvalo, to teach the program, about 10 years ago. It was the culmination of a sort of quest that began the evening I first heard about this unusual man and his ideas. I learned about the Flower of Life by happenstance. I was doing readings for a kind of new age social club. I occasionally subbed for their regular reader. It was a last minute call, but I was free that Friday evening, and I enjoyed doing readings at their events. When I got there, things were in a little disarray. The featured speaker had abruptly canceled, leaving the organizer in a bind. He asked one of the group members to speak, off the cuff, about this "flower of life thing" he was always talking about. The man agreed. He spoke without notes or any preparation about the practice he had found so meaningful, and about this man with the funny name, who had so touched his life. I was spellbound.

I would be hard pressed to explain exactly why it made such an impression. It was more emotional, more intuitive, than logical. The thing that called me most from the entire speech was this thing he called "sacred geometry." This made no sense at all. I hate math, was a terrible math student, and am, frankly, math impaired. Yet, inexplicably, when I heard this new term, it was like waking from a dream. The phrase was poetry. It meant something to me, but I had no idea why.

I was also effected by the suggestion of pole shift. I remembered Edgar Cayce's prediction of such an event, which Drunvalo's material put into a new context. And, because of my own innate connection to cetaceans, I quite enjoyed the idea that whales and dolphins were highly evolved beings, of higher consciousness than humans. That is certainly how I experience them.

Unfortunately, the speaker, who had so well conveyed Drunvalo's ideas, had no idea how or where I could take this training myself. He had a phone number for a trainer, in Brooklyn, he said, but he didn't even know if it was still in service. It wasn't.

It was well over a year later that I heard the name Drunvalo Melchizedek, again. A regular customer of the new age bookstore where I worked had just discovered the material and promised to loan me the video of a lecture and put me in touch with a Flower of Life instructor. She was as good as her word. I began arrangements to sponsor the instructor in my home to teach the six day workshop. Then, in a series of bizarre synchronicities, I found myself registered to take the 3 day version of the workshop, in order to quickly go off to Mexico, and train to be an instructor, myself. It fell together as if by magic.

There is much of what Drunvalo teaches, on which I am agnostic. I can't speak to the veracity of all of his theories. I do, however, believe that he believes them. His sincerity is genuine and endearing. He is as humble and real in person as he appears in any of his lectures. I think he is strongest when he explains sacred geometry and the "flower of life" itself.

If you find yourself getting kind of "sleepy" when you listen to this material, you're not alone. In both "Flower of Life" workshops, I found myself experiencing something like narcolepsy. Several cups of coffee later, I figured out that I was simply being thrown into a low alpha brainwave, as my conscious mind became rapidly overwhelmed by something indescribably powerful. Something about this material speaks directly to my subconscious mind, connects me with past life experience, and to my own sense of "knowing." Other people have described, to me, strange sensations in their heads. Some people, of course, are capable of remaining perfectly lucid.

So, I offer up this video lecture. It's a little long, spanning 18 separate videos of roughly 10 minutes each. But, it's a nice introduction to the man and his ideas. Enjoy.

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